Kin The Know

Does peeing after sex prevent pregnancy? Here's what you need to know

It helps you keep UTIs at bay, but can it prevent pregnancy?
Written by
Sophie Overett
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Last updated on
October 3, 2024
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Does Peeing After Sex Prevent Pregnancy? | Kin
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When it comes to women's health — particularly need-to-know information about safe sex and birth control — sorting myth from method can prove a challenge.

After all, with its long history often dictated by circumstance, politics, and cultural contexts, women's health can often feel shrouded in a lot more mystery than it should. The ultimate effect is that people can get the wrong information about their bodies — such as thinking that women can't get pregnant if they don't orgasm, or if they're still breastfeeding; or that certain sexual techniques such as pulling out before ejaculating is an effective birth control method (it's not!).But sometimes, the answer might not be quite as simple as a yes or no clarification, and so the question might take a little more time to answer. One of these questions is, does peeing after sex prevent pregnancy? Because while the answer's no, it's a no, but...

What are the benefits of peeing after sex?

Spend any time in a doctor's waiting room or watching romantic comedies, and you've probably become familiar with the idea that peeing after sex is something women are encouraged to do, and for good reason.

Peeing after sex helps you to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

UTIs are a common bacterial infection that particularly affects women, with recent studies finding that approximately 1 in 2 women will have a UTI in her lifetime compared to 1 in 20 men [1]. A urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria entering and multiplying in the urinary tract and impacting the bladder, urethra or kidneys [1].

A common cause of UTIs is sexual intercourse because sex can shift bacteria around through friction, moving it towards the urethral opening and running the risk of that harmful bacteria taking hold, causing a urinary tract infection.

By peeing after sex, your acidic urine helps to flush bacteria out of the urethra and away from those important urinary organs, which in turn helps in preventing urinary tract infections [2].

Can peeing after sex help you prevent pregnancy?

The fact that peeing after sex does have tangible benefits when it comes to preventing UTIs can lead some people to the understanding that it also helps to prevent pregnancy. After all, if it helps to flush bacteria, why can't it help flush sperm?

Well, a few reasons really. For starters, urine comes out of your urethra — the area vulnerable to that form of bacterial infection, while sexual intercourse, generally speaking, involves your vaginal opening and vaginal canal. During unprotected sex, seminal fluid and sperm are deposited into the vagina, which places it in a completely separate part of the body.

Can you still get pregnant if sperm falls out?

Sure, you're not able to flush sperm and semen the same way you can potentially flush harmful bacteria, but for some women, it can feel like the problem solves itself when their partner's ejaculate naturally falls away when they start to move after sex.

Unfortunately, by that point, it can be too late. When sperm enters a woman's body, it travels through the cervix and womb to the fallopian tubes where it can find an egg to fertilise. While the time it takes to do this can take up to 24 hours [3], one study found that a fast-swimming sperm deposited near the cervix took only a minute to make it to the fallopian tube [4].

On top of that, pre-ejaculate can also contain sperm, meaning you may have given yourself more time to conceive than you realise. [5]

So, how can you reliably prevent pregnancy?

Luckily, with a wide range of contraceptive options available to you, you don't have to rely on myths and misinformation to stop yourself from getting pregnant before you're ready. After all, parenthood is a decision that you and your partner should make together at a time that's right for you, so finding a reliable form of contraception that works for your body can keep you safe, happy, and right where you want to be.

Barrier contraceptives

Barrier contraceptives, or the barrier method as it is sometimes known, are physical tools used to stop the sperm from getting to the uterus. In other words, they're your condoms and your diaphragms. 98% successful at preventing pregnancy when used correctly, this form of birth control has the added health benefit of protecting you from sexually transmitted infections [6], giving it double duty when it comes to sex.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are taken daily. The combined kind works by stopping the ovaries from releasing an egg each month, while the progestogen-only one works by changing the mucous membranes at the entrance of the uterus which stops sperm from passing through. When used correctly, both forms are 99.7% effective [6], and can even help with other health issues such as acne or period cramping.


One of the most effective ways to avoid pregnancy at 99.95% effectiveness [6], the implant is a small piece of plastic that is inserted under the skin on the inside of the upper arm. By releasing progestogen, it stops you from ovulating. Lasting for 3 years, the implant can be a good choice for women not planning (or wanting) to get pregnant for a while, or for women who might not remember to take oral contraceptives.

Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

Shaped like an uppercase T, an IUD is a small device that anchors in your uterus and affects the movement of sperm, preventing them from getting to the finish line. It also changes up your uterus lining, making it inhospitable to any fertilised egg. IUDs last even longer than the implant — offering peace of mind for up to 5 years — which makes it another good choice for women who don't want to take any pregnancy chances [6].


99.8% effective when used correctly, the contraceptive injection injects women with a long-acting synthetic hormone that works in a 12-week cycle. It can be used when breastfeeding, which can make it appealing for women who are concerned about getting pregnant again soon after having had a baby [6] and working for 12 weeks at a time keeps birth control a seasonal affair.

Vaginal rings

With its slow release of estrogen and progestogen, vaginal rings stop you from ovulating and it sits — as the name implies — as a ring inside your vagina. You leave the ring in for 3 weeks, before removing it for 1 and replacing it with a new ring, making it a set and (temporarily) forget form of birth control, but not one requiring an appointment at the doctor to remove [7].

Tubal ligation and vasectomy

If you've had all the children you want, or know that parenthood isn't a part of your future plans, there are steps you can take to ensure your birth control is permanent. For men, a vasectomy might be just what the doctor ordered, while for women, tubal occlusion and tubular litigation block the fallopian tubes and prevent pregnancy from occurring [6]. Tubal ligation is permanent sterilisation, so making sure you're done with pregnancy is a crucial step when understanding this particular form of contraception.

Emergency contraception

Emergency contraception can be taken after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. In Australia, this can be purchased over the counter at your local pharmacy within 72 hours of the instance of unprotected sex; however is best taken as soon after sex as possible to be most effective [6].

While all these forms of contraception offer protection against pregnancy, only barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Regular testing for STIs, particularly if you're having unprotected sex or have a new sexual partner, is always recommended, and ensures you and your sex life stays happy, healthy and safe.

Not sure what form of birth control might be best for you? Talking to your healthcare provider can help guide you to the form of contraception that's going to give you the coverage you need.

All of the tools you need to take your reproductive health into your own hands.